Boron– Benefits for bone health


Boron is a vital trace mineral that is required for normal growth and health
of the body. Many disease conditions like arthritis, menopausal symptoms and
osteoporosis among others are naturally managed by boron.
It is believed that boron improves the natural ability of human body to absorb
calcium and magnesium.

Boron seems to be essential for healthy bone and joint function, possibly via
effects on the balance and absorption of calcium, magnesium and phosphorus.
It seems to affect cell membranes and the way signals are transmitted across
these membranes. Boron affects the metabolism of steroid hormones and may also
play a role in converting vitamin D to its more active form, thus increasing
calcium uptake and deposition into bone. Boron also increases male sex hormone
levels. Boron is efficiently absorbed and excreted in the urine.

Boron deficiency seems to affect calcium and magnesium metabolism, and affects
the composition, structure and strength of bone, leading to changes similar
to those seen in osteoporosis. This is likely to be due to decreased absorption
and increased excretion of calcium and magnesium. Boron deficiency combined
with magnesium deficiency appears especially damaging in cases of osteoporosis.
Due to its effects on calcium and magnesium metabolism, boron deficiency may
also contribute to the formation of kidney stones. Boron deficiency also seems
to decrease mental alertness.

The use of boron in the treatment of arthritis is a fairly new concept. In
the early 1900’s, Doctor Rex E. Newnham, an Australian doctor suffering from
arthritis, hypothesized that since boron has positive effects on bone health,
it can be used to treat arthritis. For over a decade, he traveled all over
the world, studying how the levels of boron in the soil could affect arthritis.
His research took him to Africa, New Zealand, and northwest Australia among
other regions. He concluded that plant foods containing higher levels of boron
protected the local population from arthritis.

Since after this pioneering study, other health institutions carried out similar
studies. The Royal Melbourne Hospital found that the majority of people who
suffer from arthritis felt well from taking boron supplements. Meanwhile, the
U.S. Human Nutrition Research Center investigated how exactly boron works to
relieve pain and cure arthritis. It concluded that boron helps control a parathyroid
gland that controls the mineralization of bones.

Epidemiological studies indicate that in countries such as Mauritius and Jamaica,
where boron intake is low, the incidence of osteoarthritis is around 50 to
70 percent. In countries such as the USA, UK and Australia, where boron intake
is relatively high, the incidence of osteoarthritis is around 20 percent.

Boron content in arthritic bones may be lower than that of normal bones and
extra boron may increase bone hardness. Boron is increasingly used in calcium
and bone-replenishing nutritional formulas. It may be particularly useful in
those whose magnesium intake is low. This effect may be useful in the prevention
of kidney stones.

Boron may be beneficial in the treatment of osteoporosis. Supplements have
been shown to enhance the effects of estrogen in postmenopausal women. This
is likely to contribute to its beneficial effects on bone health. Because of
its sex hormone enhancing effects, boron may help to protect against atherosclerosis.

Boron works with calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and vitamin D in bone metabolism,
growth and development. Animal studies show that a deficiency of vitamin D
increases the need for boron.

Benefits of boron:

• May prevent arthritis: Boron is a successful treatment option for arthritis
and in more than 95% of cases significant improvement was noticed by bringing
about effective calcium integration into the cartilage and bone. With increase
in age the bones might become weak and porous and boron can stem this deterioration
• May Reduce severity of rheumatoid arthritis: Boron is thought to greatly
reduce the allergic conditions that are typically associated with rheumatoid
• May Help in bone building: The bone building capacities of boron are often
ignored in favor of calcium. However, it is boron that works in unison with
calcium to strengthen the bones. It plays a very important role in minimizing
the risks of osteoporosis and arthritis. Boron helps in the metabolism of minerals
that are involved in bone development such as calcium, magnesium and copper.
Boron also affects the hormones of estrogen and testosterone that are also
related to the overall health of the bones.
• May Help in production of estrogen: Boron might improve the production of
estrogen in menopausal women, bringing back their sex drive within a few days
of treatment. Boron increases the level of natural sex hormones in the body,
thereby reducing the need for hormone replacement therapy.
• May Prevent postmenopausal osteoporosis: Boron may ease the symptoms such
as hot flashes and night sweats that are typically associated with menopause.

• Might be Useful in cancer therapy: Boron neutron capture agents are used
for cancer therapy and in the development of strong enzyme inhibitors. Boron
compounds are also used as antibody mimics that can easily identify biologically
important saccharides.
• Thought to Help to maintain proper cell membrane function: Boron plays an
important role in maintaining transmembrane functions and in stabilizing the
hormone reception.
• May Help in preventing blood clots: It is believed that boron can influence
some of the blood clotting factors in the body. However, mores studies need
to be done to authenticate this finding.
• May Reduce congestive heart failure conditions: Boron can significantly alleviate
the difficulties caused by congestive heart failure conditions.
• Lowers plasma lipid levels: Boron helps to reduce lipid accumulation and
may enable the removal of cholesterol.
• May Decrease the severity of fungal infections: Boron is thought to protect
the body from a host of parasitic attacks such as Candida Albicans.
• May Improve brain function and cognitive performance: Studies have shown
that boron can enhance brain function, eye-hand coordination, short memory
and concentration.
• It serves as enzyme inhibitors: Boron might inhibit some enzymes while serving
as a cofactor for yet another enzymatic reaction.

Deficiency symptoms: Some symptoms include hyperthyroidism, sex hormone imbalances,
osteoporosis, arthritis and brain malfunction.

Symptoms of overdose toxicity would include nausea, vomiting, weakness, loose
motion, and dermatitis. Normally boron is easily absorbed, and excreted through
urine. In persons with kidney problems, boron might accumulate in heart, kidneys,
brain and tissues.

Many thanks to my friend Chris for this post.

  • big like! – thanks .

  • R.A -go away says:

    Hi, I have R.A. symptoms and am in the middle of a flair. I have been taking boron for a week and a half and it has made a huge difference. I also take magneseum, calcium, copper also and I am now getting better by the day and wont be w/o it anymore. I thank God for Dr. Newnham’s work! 🙂