Free and Clear

As a Naturopath, I deal with many different types of health issues.  This year, I was visited by a young woman who had a past of alcohol and drug abuse.  As a result, she had just received the diagnosis of Hepatitis C, and learned she was pregnant.


This was some bad news.  She had not been planning on getting pregnant, and she was devastated concerning the news of her liver.    She was advised to terminate the pregnancy, and to get some treatment for her hepatitis.


She came to see me, and we worked together on a protocol that would help her through her pregnancy, while at the same time dealing with the liver issues.   This young woman had a Christian background, and we prayed concerning her health needs.


Nine months later, her grandmother brought the most perfect baby girl in to my clinic.  The baby’s blood work was perfectly normal, with no evidence of drug abuse, alcohol poisoning, or Hepatitis C.   This little baby is one of the most beautiful babies I have ever seen.


I tell you this story because sometimes we just need hope.  There are things that we run into every day which seem to be impossible.  In fact, professionals will tell us that the have no hope for our situations.   I trust that this testimony will encourage you to keep your faith in Christ, and to never doubt that He is still in the miracle business.


Until next time,



  • Free and Clear | Polly Heil-Mealey, M.Ed., C.C.I….

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