Learn about powerful, natural ways you can achieve optimal health - risk-free and with no debilitating side-effects!
Are you sick and tired of being sick and tired!?
Frustrated, defeated, worn out, wondering if you will ever feel good again? Taking multiple prescriptions only to be told you need another one because you now have a new side effect? If so, you landed on the right page! This short course will give you a good deal of information you can use today to start feeling better.
All this information will help you make informed choices about your health care. If all you know is the allopathic model, you will be really encouraged. There are ways to get your body to respond appropriately and to heal itself. You may be surprised to learn that you do not have diabetes because you have a deficiency in metformin. You do not have high blood pressure because you are deficient in beta blockers.
Conventional wisdom says take a prescription for a symptom, or an illness. However, taking a prescription for a symptom is akin to looking under the hood of your car and removing a fuse because your dashboard shows a red light. To be sure, the red light is resolved, but the engine is no better. This is what happens in allopathic medicine: You will tell your doctor your symptoms, he will give the symptoms a disease label, and he will then prescribe a drug which is known to help those symptoms.
Holistic medicine is different. The goal is to find the cause of the symptom. Once the cause is known, then a remedy can be found. Unlike allopathic medicine, there is no Standard Of Care (SOC) model. SOC means that western medicine treats everyone with the same set of symptoms the same way. In holistic medicine, we know you are an individual, and you need to be looked at as a whole person, (not a set of symptoms). You need to have the assurance that your practitioner will find the specific cause of your dysfunction, reverse it, nourish it, or eradicate it in order for you to get well. If this appeals to you, you are in the right place. The solution to your health needs is closer than you think.
5 Proven Fundamental Steps You Need To Know About Holistic Health
This course will help you discover more about the difference between holistic health care and allopathic care. You will learn the truth about misconceptions you may have regarding holistic medicine. You will be aware of common tricks in the marketplace. You will understand that your body takes time to heal, but your blood work will show the progress you are making. Finally, you will learn how making different choices can change your quality of life.
This is an online course with easy to follow video modules. You can work at your own pace, AND you can ask questions that you need answers to. Remember, everyone is unique, and there is no one-size-fits-all. With the question and answer feature, you can receive the information you need to get the results you need for the life you desire.
When You Sign Up, You Will Be Able To:
What people are saying about this course
I got back in control of my health!
You can tell Dr Polly's goal is to fix the root cause. I’ve seen several other doctors for my GI issues and they all wanted to suppress my symptoms but not do the work to fix the problems. I am feeling 100% better. SC
I had no idea that holistic medicine was so much better and more effective!
Wonderful to have a holistic doctor - and after 60 days, I'm feeling like a new woman. I can't wait to see what's going to happen next! I recommend Dr Polly to anyone who wants to get to the root of the problem. LK
I am now on the road to naturally sustainable, good health!
I am so excxited to be receiving healing as opposed to band aids which camouflage my personal challenges. I appreciate how she conveys wisdom, knowledge and understanding of all facets of heart, mind, body, soul and spirit! I recommend her and her sweet staff. KD
What’s in this course
This introductory course has five main lessons that simply give you the essential information you need - and that will help you make a positive decision to move forward with holistic medicine.
Discover the 4 vital components
you need to know about your health
Learn how medical and holistic look at your overall health differently
Let me share the 5 misconceptions
regarding holistic approach
This is not a hoax, scientific proof and research that shows we get results
Did you know there are 6 trends
you need to be mindful of?
Knowledge is power, learn simple tips before you go shopping
Are you committed to the long haul?
It's important to remember Rome wasn't built in a day, your health recovery won't either
Follow these 4 simple steps
and see how the quality-of-life changes
The reason why you are looking at options is incredible
And there's more!
Do this FREE introductory course and receive these additional bonuses
Health assessment tool
You will be able to get a realistic assessment of where body is right now.
Without any investment at all, you can truthfully answer the questions and get a true-to-life perspective on your current health.
Access members only Facebook Group
This is a place where you can further your education on holistic health, hear from others who may be like you, wanting to get good information on holistic choices.
Access to our free app for your phone
You will have the convenience of all of our social media in one place, you can watch our YouTube videos, order blood work, and check out reputable links with the touch of your finger. All in the privacy of your smart phone or tablet.
About Your Course Teacher,
Dr Polly Heil-Mealey
Polly Heil-Mealey ND, LEHP, HHP, M Ed., CCI holds a Doctorate of Biblical Naturopathy from Life Training Institute. She is also a member of GEMA, Guardian Ecclesiastical Medical Association. Dr. Polly studied BioEnergetic medicine at the Academy of International BioEnergetic Sciences in London Ontario, Canada. As former President of the International Iridology Practitioners Association (IIPA), she is an IIPA Certified Iridologist with a Master's Degree in Education. She has been involved in education and Biblical health care since 1994 and has been active in both television and radio, presenting community service programs covering various topics. An international traveler, she gives seminars on alternative health practices, incorporating iridology, EAV, and Biblical nutritional counseling.
Dr. Polly was named 2021 International Heartrepreneur of the Year by Heartreprenuer LLC. Dr. Polly and her husband Stephen Hale were awarded 2019 Lone Star SBDC Small Business of the Year - Veteran Owned as well as named Practitioner of the Year 2018 by the Lake Houston Area Chamber of Commerce and a 2015 finalist for Lone Star College Small Business of the Year. Currently, Dr. Polly serves on the Board of Directors for the Partnership Lake Houston Chamber of Commerce.

What people are saying about Dr Polly Heil-Mealey
Dr Polly is a very committed professional
Dr. Polly is a very committed professional as a naturopathic doctor. She truly loves to help people feel better. She seeks to find the underlying cause of health issues and treat the cause rather than mask it with medications. With her guidance, I am looking forward to "unmasking" my health issues! Thank you, Dr. Polly! SD
I'm so thankful for the help I have received
Dr. Polly and staff are wonderful. I’m so thankful for the help I have received concerning my health. Dr. Polly is so kind and patient. You leave her office with the hope of renewed health. I would highly recommend her to anyone seeking to regain good health the natural way. Thank you so much Dr. Polly. DW
Maintaining good health can be easy!
Dr. Polly Heil-Mealey is a God-send! It’s important that we know what’s going on in our body BEFORE we get sick and be proactive, and I was very impressed with my recent appointment to Abundant Health and Wellness Center, at how easy it can be to maintain good health! 100% recommend! KC
You have everything to gain, and nothing to lose!
The cost of healthcare is enormous. No one wants to contemplate contracting a disease. However, unless something changes, age-related diseases of one sort or another are in your future. Here are some statistics from the CDC:
Nothing kills more Americans than heart disease and stroke. More than 868,000 Americans die of heart disease or stroke every year—that’s one-third of all deaths. These diseases take an economic toll, as well, costing our health care system $214 billion per year and causing $138 billion in lost productivity on the job.
Each year in the United States, more than 1.7 million people are diagnosed with cancer, and almost 600,000 die from it, making it the second leading cause of death. The cost of cancer care continues to rise and is expected to reach almost $174 billion by 2020.
More than 34.2 million Americans have diabetes, and another 88 million adults in the United States have a condition called prediabetes, which puts them at risk for type 2 diabetes. Diabetes can cause serious complications, including heart disease, kidney failure, and blindness. In 2017, the total estimated cost of diagnosed diabetes was $327 billion in medical costs and lost productivity.
Alzheimer’s disease, a type of dementia, is an irreversible, progressive brain disease that affects about 5.7 million Americans. It is the sixth leading cause of death among all adults and the fifth leading cause for those aged 65 or older. In 2010 , the costs of treating Alzheimer’s disease were estimated to fall between $159 billion and $215 billion. By 2040, these costs are projected to jump to between $379 billion and $500 billion annually.
Now is your opportunity to choose natural, sustainable, non-invasive and preventative healthcare.
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Frequently Asked Questions
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Provide some answers to common questions. Perhaps you want to tell answer how much time they need to dedicate to get through the course, or give them a support email to contact you if they have further questions. It doesn’t need to be questions you were actually asked, but rather the final few questions people may want answered before they are ready to buy.
Provide some answers to common questions. Perhaps you want to tell answer how much time they need to dedicate to get through the course, or give them a support email to contact you if they have further questions. It doesn’t need to be questions you were actually asked, but rather the final few questions people may want answered before they are ready to buy.
Provide some answers to common questions. Perhaps you want to tell answer how much time they need to dedicate to get through the course, or give them a support email to contact you if they have further questions. It doesn’t need to be questions you were actually asked, but rather the final few questions people may want answered before they are ready to buy.
Provide some answers to common questions. Perhaps you want to tell answer how much time they need to dedicate to get through the course, or give them a support email to contact you if they have further questions. It doesn’t need to be questions you were actually asked, but rather the final few questions people may want answered before they are ready to buy.
Provide some answers to common questions. Perhaps you want to tell answer how much time they need to dedicate to get through the course, or give them a support email to contact you if they have further questions. It doesn’t need to be questions you were actually asked, but rather the final few questions people may want answered before they are ready to buy.
Why I love to do this work
Because I did not know about holistic medicine, I became a widow at 42 years of age. My husband was diagnosed with cancer, and we did not know there were any alternatives to Standard of Care surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy. Through the years I learned that I had I known differently, my life would have had a different outcome.
I am passionate about helping others regain their health, and this short course is the first step.