Your Help needed… Politicians trying to hamper sources

My friend, Beth Clay has sent out this email.  The particulars are for those people living in Colorado, Iowa, and South Dakota.   You might not live in those states, but you might have family or friends who do.  Please read the letter below, and then urge your friends and family to get the word out.  We are more powerful together than we are alone.

Until next time,




Immediate Health Freedom Action

You are receiving this alert because our mission is to ensure that your rights
and the rights of others are not taken away. You may not live in the states
that are at a risk for losing their health freedoms, but you may know someone
who does. Please pass this on to people you may know living in Iowa, Colorado
or South Dakota
in the endeavor to preserving our nation’s health freedoms.
OPPOSE Iowa H.S.B. 507 / S.S.B. 3022
OPPOSE Colorado H.B. 1060
OPPOSE South Dakota: H.B. 1171
OPPOSE Iowa: Iowa House Bill 507 and Senate Bill 3022, both monopolistic Naturopathic Physician licensing bills, attempt to criminalize all persons practicing natural health unless they have a medical naturopathic doctor license!


The bills were introduced on January 12, 2012 and were heard and passed in the State Government Subcommittees of the Senate and the House January 25 and 26 by a 2-1 vote and are on the way to the full State Government Committees in both the Senate and
the House. No amendments have been attached yet to correct and properly exempt
out unlicensed traditional naturopaths or complementary and alternative health
care practitioners.
OPPOSE Colorado: Colorado House Bill 1060, a monopolistic Dietitian Licensing
bill, would jeopardize your right to speak about nutrients and nutrition without
a dietitian license and would limit your access to nutrition information! The
bill was introduced on January 11, 2012, and assigned to the House committee
on Agriculture, Livestock, and Natural Resources and a public hearing on the
bill is tentatively scheduled for February 6, 2012. The bill has no proper
exemption for unlicensed practitioners providing nutrition-related services.

OPPOSE South Dakota: South Dakota House Bill No. 1171, “The Emerging Complementary Health Professional Licensing Board” bill, a dangerously restrictive Licensing bill with broad negative implications for consumer natural health care choices!
The bill is on the way to the House Floor and needs your NO vote to stop it
from going over to the Senate . It was introduced on January 23, 2012, was
heard and passed out of the House Health and Human Services Committee January
26 and placed on the House agenda for January 31. The House Floor deferred
the bill to Thursday, February 2, 2012. Urge your representatives to protect
your right to choose from both licensed and unlicensed complementary and alternative
health care practitioners and information sources.

Yours In Good Health,

Beth Clay