Oh. My. Goodness!
I just discovered that there is plastic, yes P L A S T I C in Crest brand toothpaste. Apparently the plastic is there for ‘eye appeal’ and does not have any other function. The article below is written by a dental hygienist, and she says that these plastic particles are becoming trapped in the gum tissue, causing problems.
Now, I use holistic toothpaste, fluoride and plastic free, so this information is purely academic for me. However, my mom swears by Crest, and as kiddos, we used this toothpaste. Some of you may have Crest as your preferred brand, so consider this as a heads-up.
Until next time,
Dr. Polly
I don’t know if my daughter will love or hate me for sharing this article with her. She uses Crest. We used it when I was growing up. I need to find a dentist to pull a tooth for me. I’ll ask him/her to look for little blue specks that may have nested in my gums all these years.
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