There is a good bit of news these days about medicinal mushroom. There are three that are very popular and gaining ground as really having some positive results with regard to immunity. Specifically, Cordycepts, Reishi and Lion’s Mane are at the top of the list for their
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We all have a bottle or two of aspirin in our bathrooms. We use it for aches and pains, however, new research shows that the lowly aspirin may help with cancer. In a research study in 2020, daily, low-dose aspirin was found to have positive effects, with
Read more →In a recent report, (2021) showd that children and young adults were spending more than 7 hours per day on either their tablets or their phones. The study showed that spending this much time on social media led to an increase in depression and anxiety. Symptoms include:
Read more →I am a fan of tea. I don’t drink it much these days as I live in south Texas where it is hotter that hot for most of the year. But when I lived in Scotland and England, I loved the rich dark English Breakfast Tea. I
Read more →We have all heard about cholesterol, and we know that the numbers need to be low. But is what we know really the truth? Let’s first talk about Cholesterol, and why it is important. Cholesterol is a 28 molecule compound that our liver makes. From this molecule,
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