Dear Friends,
I just wanted to reach out to you today, and invite you to join me for our annual IIPA Symposium. The Symposium will be held later this month at the Hilton Gardens Inn in Las Vegas. You can get all the particulars from IIPA’s website:
IIPA — the International Iridology Practitioner’s Association, are holistic practitioners who use iris analysis as a primary form of evaluation. However, we also incorporate other modalities and this is why we host a symposium each year. In my own particular case, I attended a set of classes at The Academy of International BioEnergeteic Sciences in order to achieve my goal of introducing EAV testing to my practice. As a result, we have invited Dr. Robert Cass to be one of our speakers this year.
The line-up of speakers is truly amazing: Our Key-Note speaker is Dr. Toni Miller, from Australia. She has over thirty years as an iridologist, and her school, “College of IRIS” specializes in Iridology education, and has a clinical evidence-based platform. Toni shows why Iridology should be used with every client via her research, with case studies of Crone’s disease, staph infection, and undetected thyroid disease. Be inspired by the breadth and depth of what can be determined using Iridology. She will be talking on how to use Clinical assessment of Cardio Vascular risk using Integrated Iridology® and protocols that work.
Her husband, Dr Rex Miller will also address us. In the early 80s, Rex Miller, ND, DHM, studied with Australian Grand Master Herbalist Denis Stewart. Rex’s lecture, based on Iridology and Herbal Medicine, reinforces how Iridology assists in profiling client health requirements, including significant updates in Medical Herbalism. Rex is a Medical Herbalist and a member of the Australian Traditional Medicine Society and the Australian National Herbalists Association and is secretary of the College of I.R.I.S. Rex has lectured in England and the USA Herbal Medicine and Iridology, and is experienced in Hemaview Dark Field Blood analysis. He also uses a bio-impedance unit to assess current health levels.
Natural health expert and rancher Jordan Rubin wrote The Maker’s Diet and 20 other books, including his latest, Live Beyond Organic. His weekly TV show, Living Beyond Organic, reaches millions. He founded Garden of Life supplements and has advanced degrees in natural health. Join Jordan on a journey into why we’re more than we eat, where food comes from, and the sustainability of our commercial food system. How Jordan turned tragedy into a mission of transforming the U.S. and world health one life at a time is inspiring and thought-provoking.
Kimberly Balas is a Naturopath with a PhD in Bio-resource Engineering and a PhD in Nutrition. Her background includes aerospace engineering at Cape Canaveral. She is an international lecturer, instructor and author. She researches and does data analysis on many natural products, equipment and software development while formulating health products for a many companies. She authored Metabolic Typing and Blood Profiling, The Practitioner’s Guide to Herbal Consulting, and A Metabolic Approach to HcG, and has contributed research to The Consumer Products Guide and maintains both clinical and online practices. Kimberly will be speaking on how to interpret emotional patterns.
Join Dr. Magda and hear about her quest for the missing piece in her integrated protocols and meet the Master who provided it. Dr. (and Master) Zhi Gang Sha is an MD and a doctor of Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). He created Power Healing and Soul Mind Body Medicine to combine Western medicine and TCM with ancient healing secrets from China. He is a grand master of many ancient disciplines, having been named Qigong Master of the Year at the Fifth World Congress on Qigong. He is a Martin Luther King, Jr., humanitarian, and is researching the effects of spirit on the human system. Dr. Sha’s talk involves the purpose of life and the power of soul: how we each can help in this serious time of transition for Mother Earth and purification of humanity. Master Sha says, “I have the power to heal myself, you have the power to heal yourself, and together, we have the power to heal the world.
Herbalist, natural health teacher, author, and consultant with twenty-six years of emotional healing work, Steven Horne has traveled and lectured here and abroad, authored several books including, The Endocrine Symphony, produced many natural healing videos and DVDs, founded Tree of Light Publishing, and the School of Modern Herbal Medicine. Emotional trauma is a big factor in health problems. We often reach a point where herbs, supplements and other natural healing modalities can go no further until we deal with unresolved fear, anger, grief, depression, anxiety and other such emotions. Steven will discuss the emotional interpretation will discuss the emotional interpretation of various iris signs and flower essences.
Alicia Rocco, BCIHP, CCII, is a Board Certified Integrative Health Practitioner in private practice for over thirty-five years. She certifies practitioners and educates on alternative and complementary health for people and animals. She owns Natural Approach to Health (herbal essences), Journey to Botanicals (tree essences), and Alpaca Spring Valley Farm. She studied Parasitology at Ohio State U and developed natural parasite control for animals. Alicia is certified in many natural health modalities. We are made of energy. The cellular memory that we store in the body can be seen via Iridology. Let’s unlock this knowledge of energy in motion that creates patterns of disease.
Jon Miles has been developing specialized camera/illumination systems for biometric eye photography since 1981, specializing in precise measurement of iris color and texture, and the systematic interpretation of iris features in accordance with several models. Working closely with Denny Johnson (founder of the Rayid Model) over the past twenty years on research and development in the interpretive process for the iris of the eye, Jon has presented numerous scientific papers on biometric imaging as well as interpretive models at annual conferences. Jon presents advanced topics in energetic polarity as they factor in the Rayid Method and Theory toward freeing us from the limits of personality, helping us through the higher goals of our life path and overcoming current patterns.
Dr. Cass is a Canadian Naturopath and has been a leading force in bio-energetic medicine over forty years. His Physica Energetics products offer pure, hand crafted, Spagyric blends of botanical and homeopathic tinctures and matrix nutritionals. He founded the Academy of Int’l Bio-Energetic Sciences, training practitioners in many countries. Clinical Alchemy is a natural and radical creative process toward addressing the complexities of body, mind and heart. Dr Cass’s presentation clarifies the extra cellar matrix of the healing process, assisting the body’s innate healing strategies. and
And if this were not enough, also, in the same hotel as the IIPA Symposium, there will be a 2 ½ day Divine Healing Hands for Professionals workshop immediately following the Symposium. Sunday, February 24, 7:00-10:00pm, continuing Monday, February 25, 9:00am to 9:00pm and concluding Tuesday, February 26, 9:00-6:00pm. During this training, not only will you receive the download for Divine Healing Hands which has enhanced the practices of so many professionals already, but Dr. Sha will also gift you a download to enhance your results within your profession. The gift you will receive is called a Divine Profession download and it will be specific to each participant. This gift is truly priceless for the effect it will have on your professional practice is immeasurable. The usual honor fee for a Divine Profession download is $1,000 USD and you will receive it as a complimentary gift within the training package. Also, in this package of DHH for Professionals is a protection package which provides safety through a divine light wall, general protection and protection from communicable diseases.
Dr. Toni Miller will be offering her Iridology Master Class. In this class you will learn:
How to accurately determine the exact Constitutional type of every client
Essential criteria for selecting individually unique protocols that work
Learn some interesting Integrated Iridology sclerology signs.
How to consolidate your clinic time and increase your profits
The class will be supported with interesting case histories from their vast clinical experience. They will present case studies including how they successfully resolved a variety of conditions including varicose ulcers, staph infection and Rex will share his personal experience with bringing bladder cancer into remission.
Feb 24th: Open forum Sunday night – bring your “hard basket” cases for an opinion.
Feb 25th: First US Integrated Iridology Master Class 9am – 5pm
This material has not previously been offered in the United States. It has been prepared specially for IIPA members and will follow the Annual Symposium. Course includes a manual with numerous herbal formulas. There is a cost for this seminar, so please visit the IIPA website for details.
I know this has been a large amount of material for you, but I am so excited, and wanted you to have the opportunity of joining me in this journey.
Until next time,
Dr. Polly