I have been seeing some comments on this topic on social media and also in the news. I remember being a child of the sixty’s and going to public school. Saying the Pledge of Allegiance and prayer were not compulsory, but no one thought to question those
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Just had some disturbing news from a mother with whom I am acquainted. She had just hung up the telephone, where she had been engaged with the Assistant Superintendent concerning her son. He attends middle school in Texas. The mom was telling me that her son and
Read more →I’m getting a facelift…. I am. Botox won’t work in this instance, and besides, as a naturopath, I don’t believe in putting harmful bacteria into my body. I don’t really like surgery either. However, after almost twenty years, something has to be done. You see, we have
Read more →BMW service We all hear the advertisements about BMW being the ultimate driving experience. We also hear about the wonderful maintenance contract that BMW provides its buyers. I own a BMW, courtesy of The Hubz, who wanted me to trade in my ’99 version for a
Read more →I have a puppy. Actually, she is my daughter’s puppy. Actually, she is no longer a puppy, being nearly eleven years old. My daughter married almost five years ago, and Emma, who is a long haired Chihuahua, refused to move with her. We tried to get her
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