Archive for the Health Category

Arthritis pain

Today in The Houston Chronicle, I read an editorial about Arthritis.   Not a health report, but an editorial.   I suppose that the author is the Arthritis Foundation Texas, as that is the name of the authority at the bottom of the editorial. In a nutshell, the editorial

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High BP and aspirin therapy

So glad that the following story made the news.  Naturopaths and other holistic practitioners have known the risks of taking baby aspirin for some time.  Medical science is now in agreement.  Please take some time and read the story in the link below. Until next time, Polly

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Where the germs are…..

As much as you might like to give the gold medal to toilet seats when it comes to squeamishly germ-ridden locations, science suggests there are much “germier” places that you’re probably frequenting daily. For example, one study found that each key on an ATM keypad harbors 1,200

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You've probably heard the health conscious mantra popularized by Michael Pollan: "If you can't pronounce it, you shouldn't be eating it."

It has come to my attention that the FDA is allowing chemicals to be present in foods labeled ‘organic.’   Please print the letter below, and send it to The Cornucopia Institute. Until next time, Polly   Dear USDA Secretary Tom Vilsack and NOSB Chairman Barry Flamm,

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