I was shocked!
Did you know that farmers and wholesalers can LEGALLY certify as organic fruits and vegetables that have been irradiated and washed in antifreeze? I did not know that. In fact, I stopped at a local ‘farmer’s market’ and asked questions concerning the produce. What I saw was produce no different from what I see at the grocery store. The apples still had the little white stickers on them.
I asked her if the produce was local. She said yes, that some was grown locally, but all was grown in Texas. I asked her if the produce was organic. She said no, but it was all natural. I told her that I expected when I stopped at a farmer’s market, to find produce that was grown locally without added pesticides or herbicides. She said no, that a farmer’s market meant that the produce was grown by farmers. Duh…….
What do you think? What is your expectation when you stop and shop for organic produce at farmer’s markets. I am sure that none of you expected to have the produce washed with antifreeze. What does this mean to you? How do we stop this harmful practice?
Until next time
Wow!! Shocked!! Jeremy and I stopped at a farmers market back in June and found that the tomatoes had the stickers from the grocery store on them. We didn’t realize until we left and on down the road. I had no idea about the antifreeze and not sure who to trust for organic, all natural produce. I want to go to a farmers market and expect to buy all natural produce and foods that are organic. Thanks for posting this.
This is where http://www.codexfund.com comes in. They lobby the government on behalf of health freedoms. We need to make sure that we make our voices heard (go to that website) and then do what you can to make sure that legislation is enacted that will preserve our freedom.
I believe it is high time consumers hold the government accountable for non-disclosure. We should have this information readily available in order to make healthy choices. The government wants to control rising healthcare costs that their very own actions are responsible for making people sick. What is wrong with this picture? I firmly believe having an advocate such as http://www.codexfund.com is great for those who care about the quality of foods we feed ourselves and our children. We owe it to our families to fight for our health. I, for one, am willing to boycott any store who knowingly sells ‘organic’ foods that have been irradiated and washed in antifreeze.
Yes, that is what it takes. Consumers being angry enough to ‘dump tea into the Patomic’ so to speak. We all have to band together and get the word out. If we boycott the stores, the stores will have to listen to the consumers. Who is with us?