According to the Commonwealth Fund, which ranks healthcare systems worldwide, the United States has the worst health care system among peer nations (dollar for dollar). In a nutshell, the United States spends nearly twice as much as other wealthy nations has the lowest life expectancy
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Many people who come into the clinic will tell me that they have inherited diseases and they are at a loss as to what to do next. It is sad that people think that they are doomed to have what their genetics are pre-disposed to. Genes are
Read more →Health care cost have risen 17.5% per year since 1970. That is a huge increase. What do we have to show for it? US mortality rate is the highest of all comparable countries. Hospital admissions for preventable diseases are more frequent in the US than in comparable
Read more →I don’t know if you have been keeping track or not, but there is some really strange reasoning going on in the medical field today. Last week there were two studies discussing the problem of obesity. Medical professionals are up in arms over this national health crisis.
Read more →Teen obesity is rising. ‘A major study, released Sunday, (April 29, 2012), tested several ways to manage blood sugar in teens newly diagnosed with diabetes and found that nearly half of them failed within a few years and 1 in 5 suffered serious complications. The results spell
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