Archive for the Thoughts Category

Directory Assistance Needed

Last night as I was setting the table for guests, I had the need to look for different placemats for the table. I reached down into a cupboard and found that the placemats were under several telephone books. I decided that I could make better use of that cupboard without

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STOP writing checks……

I have to live within a budget.  This means that my ‘outgoes’ do not exceed my ‘income’.   I thought everyone who was a mature adult lived that way.  With all the conversation concerning the nation’s debt crisis, I see that my assumption was wrong. I have a

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You are where?????

Bags fly free…. On the second leg of our trip north, we did make that stand-by flight.  We were the second to the last couple on board.  We had carry on luggage, and you would think that meant that we could ‘c-a-r-r-y   o-n’   our bags.  We were

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Interesting word play

In my morning devotional, I was examining plagues in the Bible. I ran across the word plege which is pronounced ‘plee gay’. This word is translated ‘plague,’ but it is also translated ‘stripes’ and ‘wounds.’ Our English word ‘plague’ is used to denote: general calamity, sickness, disease, wounds,

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