Warrior Woman This term has been resounding in my spirit all year. What does it mean? I saw this graphic and I really feel that this is who we are. We all have heard the Helen Reddy song, “I am woman”, (hear me roar!) This was a
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Emotions are things. Thoughts are things. Yes, they are intangible, nevertheless they are real. As children we sing the ditty “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.” Nothing could be further from the truth. Words are powerful. Words can heal. Words
Read more →Yesterday marked the sixteenth anniversary of my becoming a widow. My late husband had been diagnosed with cancer. He had taken the traditional medicinal route, and the treatment that was supposed to keep him free of cancer ended up killing him. I will never forget that day.
Read more →Recently, The Hubz and I traveled out of the country on business. One of the last texts I received before we left was from my oldest child, asking me to return with souvenirs. It has been my habit while traveling to bring back something for my BFF
Read more →When I was reading my Bible this morning, the reading plan had me in Genesis 19. You know the story. God is about to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah. The angel is talking to Lot, and telling him that he needs to get his family and scoot. If
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