The monumental, important truth about chronic disease Are you ready to blow your mind? Do you suffer from a chronic disease? Are you tired of taking prescriptions, yet not regaining the health you desire? Does your blood work not improve? How would you feel to be
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So far the year of 2020 has been pretty brutal. Most people thought that 2020 would be a visionary year. We all want 20/20 vision. We say that hindsight is 20/20. What this means is that if we had known what was in store for us we
Read more →Lately it seems as if going to a doctor, PPO or specialist, one of the most deeply personal activities you can perform, has become extremely impersonal. You are treated like a number when you check in. You sit in the waiting room for 30 minutes. Then when
Read more →I have been taking on a course on ‘Mindfulness’. I was introduced to this course and the teacher at a conference I attended in the spring. I have for years been a ‘meditate-er’, a ‘pray-er’, and a ‘thinker.’ The course was billed as a ‘leadership’ course.
Read more →Warrior Woman This term has been resounding in my spirit all year. What does it mean? I saw this graphic and I really feel that this is who we are. We all have heard the Helen Reddy song, “I am woman”, (hear me roar!) This was a
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