I have been seeing some comments on this topic on social media and also in the news. I remember being a child of the sixty’s and going to public school. Saying the Pledge of Allegiance and prayer were not compulsory, but no one thought to question those
Read more →Most supplements do not prevent chronic disease or death, their use is not justified, and they should be avoided.” http://www.cbsnews.com/news/multivitamin-researchers-say-case-is-closed-supplements-dont-boost-health/ Yes, according to this auspicious report, supplementation is useless in disease prevention. Supplements and vitamins were never intended to prevent disease. What is disease? Disease or
Read more →I have been seeing a good many posts on various social networking sites regarding the Plexus products. I decided to do a bit of research. One of the key words I look for is ‘organic’. I did not see that in any of the product ingredients listed.
Read more →In researching measles, I came across this article. http://healthimpactnews.com/2013/an-honest-look-at-the-historical-evidence-that-vaccines-eliminated-diseases/ I remember having the measles. I remember the rash and the fact that the bright lights hurt my eyes. I remember having to lie in the dark for a few days. I also remember eating ice-cream, watching television,
Read more →I am often asked about the pros and cons of vaccination. I do not want to get involved in a political debate here, but for the record, I don’t vaccinate. More than thirty years ago, I started the first round of vaccinations with my number one man-child.
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