Forced Patriotism???

I have been seeing some comments on this topic on social media and also in the news. I remember being a child of the sixty’s and going to public school.  Saying the Pledge of Allegiance and prayer were not compulsory, but no one thought to question those

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Avoid Supplementation… newest recommendation from your health professionals

Most supplements do not prevent chronic disease or death, their use is not justified, and they should be avoided.”   Yes, according to this auspicious report, supplementation is useless in disease prevention.  Supplements and vitamins were never intended to prevent disease.  What is disease? Disease or

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Plexus Slim products

I have been seeing a good many posts on various social networking sites regarding the Plexus products.  I decided to do a bit of research. One of the key words I look for is ‘organic’.   I did not  see that in any of the product ingredients listed. 

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Measles What can be done about it?

In researching measles, I came across this article. I remember having the measles.  I remember the rash and the fact that the bright lights hurt my eyes.  I remember having to lie in the dark for a few days.  I also remember eating ice-cream, watching television,

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