Epigenetics , as defined by the University of Utah is: The development and maintenance of an organism {that} is orchestrated by a set of chemical reactions that switch parts of the genome off and on at strategic times and locations. Epigenetics is the study of these reactions
Read more →According to a recent article in Neurology, higher intakes of flavonoids were associated with lowered risk of developing Parkinson’s Disease. Foods that are rich in flavonoids and their associated compounds are: berries, apples, red wine, and oranges. The study found that men (49,281) had a 40% lower
Read more →A new study published in The Lancet1 shows that for every life saved by mammography screening, three women will be overdiagnosed and treated for a cancer that might never have given them trouble in their lifetimes. This cost to women’s well-being is worth considering, the study panel
Read more →I have been traveling quite extensively this year studying homeopathy and bio-energetic medicine, and I have been wanting to write a paper about the benefits of Homeoprophylaxis, but did not have the time. Today I decided that I needed to get it done. I was looking at
Read more →I heard on the news this morning that there was a recent study that said there was very little benefit to purchasing organic fruit and vegetables. The newscast went on to say that the pesticides in non-organic produce was nothing to worry about. Really? If pesticides are not
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