By JoNel Aleccia, Senior Writer, NBC News A vital drug used to help feed the tiniest babies is in such short supply that at least seven extremely premature infants in the U.S. developed horrifying skin lesions and life-threatening reactions after their hospitals ran out. At least 120,000
Read more →WHAT IS YOUR WICO™ Wellness Score? NATIONALLY RENOWNED WELLNESS, DIABETES PREVENTION & FAT LOSS PROGRAM OFFERED BY ABUNDANT HEALTH AND WELLNESS CENTER! Kingwood, TX; TRANSFORMATIONS, Inc., a diabetes prevention, fat loss and wellness company – is pleased to announce a new in- network Health Practitioner; Dr.
Read more →Just read a wonderful report in the British Naturopathic Journal which showed the efficacy of using the herb, Cat’s Claw with people who suffered from Rheumatoid Arthritis. In this study, one doctor found that this herb is 98% effective for relieving swollen joints, tenderness, pain, and inflammation.
Read more →Congratulations, Pope Francis With all the usual static in the news media, I was very pleasantly surprised to turn on the evening news and to see the whole program dedicated to the ‘white smoke announcement’ that we had a new Pontiff. We are told that we
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