Vitamins–how safe are they?

  Vitamins, how much is too much?  There are conflicting numbers, RDAs and other information out there.  Which information is correct, and how do you know? Here are some of the guidelines I use: Is the vitamin from a natural source, or is it synthetic?  No vitamin

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Vitamin D– how much do we really need? This is a fabulous presentation concerning the facts about Vitamin D and how much you really need.  Please take the time to view this presentation.  It may give you the information to save a life.  The charts and graphs are fantastic, and prove what adequate amounts

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Ordinary or Extraordinary?

No one likes the word ‘ordinary.’   Not much to it.  Nothing elaborate, ornate, fancy, desirable.  Kind of blah…. Ho-hum…routine. We sing a song at church, don’t remember what the name is, but the lyrics go something like this:  We won’t be satisfied with anything ordinary, We won’t

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