Posts Tagged Health Freedom

Time to act…..

Illinois Senator Durbin is planning to reintroduce his supplement bill, the Dietary Supplement Labeling Act (S 1310), which would grant more power to the FDA to regulate dietary supplements like they were drugs; Durbin first introduced S 1310 in 2011, but it failed miserably, as have many

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Vote NO on NEW GMO legislation

Dear friends, please review the current legislation, and contact your representative/senator.  I have been told by my senator, that a phone call is more effective than a letter.  However, Beth Clay takes these letters and personally delivers them to the congressional offices.   I suggest we do both: 

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You've probably heard the health conscious mantra popularized by Michael Pollan: "If you can't pronounce it, you shouldn't be eating it."

It has come to my attention that the FDA is allowing chemicals to be present in foods labeled ‘organic.’   Please print the letter below, and send it to The Cornucopia Institute. Until next time, Polly   Dear USDA Secretary Tom Vilsack and NOSB Chairman Barry Flamm,

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