Freedom of choice and Ron Paul

While this is not an endorsement for Ron Paul, we can still applaud his stance on freedom of choice in the food supply.

Until next time,



(NaturalNews) In a recent town hall meeting in New Hampshire, Presidential candidate Dr. Ron Paul spoke on Health Freedom and the Constitutional rights of Americans to buy and sell natural food, like raw milk, which hasn’t been tainted with chemicals, hormones, or cooked until completely void of nutrients.


Ron Paul represents the polar opposite of nearly every politician in control of legislation today. Most politicians accept legal bribes (called lobbying) from the big pharmaceutical companies that lead the proliferation of prescription drugs in America, the third leading cause of death. Not only has Ron Paul introduced legislation to repeal the FDA’s prohibition of interstate sales of raw milk, he consistently reminds everyone that Government should not have control over our food choices.


The loudest applause came when Ron Paul spoke about the regulations on raw milk sales. He explained how the FDA does not “take care of us” but rather interferes with our choices by collaborating with special interests. It’s the drug and insurance companies that keep a stranglehold on the American chronic care management system, which doesn’t cure anything, but rather treats symptoms with dangerous pharmaceuticals.


The real reason the FDA bans raw milk sales and shipping is because pasteurized, homogenized and rBGH (hormone-laden) milk poses horrible dangers to the public, and when diseases and outbreaks rise up, like with chicken and beef, the FDA will use raw milk as their scapegoat, saying they tried “to contain and limit its distribution.” It’s also all about competition, and raw food enthusiasts and nutrition experts all know that live food keeps you healthy, and dead food makes you sick.