Please enjoy the following story, reprinted with permission from M. D. Jones.
In women it is called Menopause and in men it is called Andropause
This is the period, usually occurring between the ages of 45 and 55, during which a man’s testosterone levels may fall, leading to a reduction in vigor and sexual drive Also called male menopause.
Women aren’t the only ones with a hormone cycle. Men have a hormone cycle, too. But there are big differences. For instance, instead of having a month-long hormone cycle like gals, males go through an entire hormone cycle in a single 24 hours.
Another difference: Men have 10 times more testosterone than women, so their hormone cycle is usually all about how their testosterone affects them. A man’s body does make estrogen and progesterone like a woman’s body, though in much smaller amounts. The estrogen is produced in the adrenal gland.
So, what’s a man’s 24-hour hormone cycle look like? His testosterone is highest in the morning when he wakes up and gets lower and lower as the day goes on.
Here’s some of what you can expect throughout his day: (this is information for the gals/wives)
Morning: Testosterone is highest
His hormone-cast: He’s at his most energetic, talkative, aggressive, focused, competitive, independent, impulsive and confident. He also may be antsy or quick to anger and is more likely to say “no” to a favor or request for something you want, like a raise. His virility is at its peak. So is his ability to read maps and do spatial thinking.
Best time to… Have him put together a piece of furniture or fix a shelf, have him compete in a contest, give him a project to do solo, figure out the best driving route and initiate passionate sex.
Afternoon: Testosterone is in the middle of its cycle
His hormone-cast: He’s a tad mellower than his morning self, but isn’t going on empty just yet. As a result, he’s still upbeat, driven and focused, but not as quick to anger. He’s more open to working with others rather than going solo. You’ll also catch him smiling more now than in the morning.
Best time to… Invite him to work as part of a team, have him talk to or pitch clients or customers, brainstorm ideas with him.
Evening: Testosterone is lowest
His hormone-cast: He’s more passive, agreeable and low-key. He may feel tired or fuzzy. His libido hits its lowest point. For some men, this low point is still quite high, making him interested and capable of passionate sex.
Best time to… Ask him for a favor, request a raise (ask after 4 pm if your workday ends at 5 pm), get him to agree to the pink living room curtains or pose any other question that you need a “yes” to. He’ll be more likely to give in now than in the earlier hours of the day.
The exceptions: A man’s testosterone is affected by things he does. For instance, his testosterone level rises when he drinks alcohol or caffeine, sees an action movie, plays video games or competes in or anticipates a sports game or game of chess. His testosterone also rises when he simply watches his favorite team compete. While his testosterone stays high if his team wins, it plunges if his team loses, making him feel blue, cranky or lethargic.
Hormone imbalance is a man-made imbalance of the 20th Century. The industrial word we live in today, the Petrochemically polluted environment and the diet all contribute to the exposure of the human body to high levels of synthetic estrogen, which is the main cause of hormone imbalance. Today, most men experience these symptoms at an early age of 40 years.
Enlarged prostate which affects approximately 50% of the male population above the age of 50 and over 75% of the male population above the age of 70 is due to hormone imbalance in the body.
Men become Estrogen Dominant just like women do:
How? Today we are continuously surrounded by new environmental compounds called Zenoestrogens. These estrogens, which are primarily petrochemical, have a very potent estrogen-like activity. they are in our air, fuels, pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, plastics, clothing, bug/mosquito sprays and personal care products.
Our diet is contaminated with hormones. Synthetic estrogens are now used to fatten cattle, as well as other meat-producing animals, and to increase milk and egg production. Most of us are ingesting hormones in many of our meals. Even birth control pills are not bio-degradable and can leave the water supply and contaminate the soil for decades.
The levels of the Male Sex Hormone – Testosterone decline with advancing age which causes a change in the ratio of Estrogen to Testosterone in the body. A point is reached when the levels of Testosterone become so low that Estrogen finally begins to dominate. It is important to know that adequate levels of testosterone in the body limits estrogen effects, thus preventing Prostate Cancer.
If the body has a proper balance of testosterone to estrogen, many of the “male menopause” symptoms can be alleviated.
Testosterone is one of the primary male sex hormones produced in a man’s body. After
the age of 35 there is a steady decline in testosterone levels. By the age 40 to 50 you see a significant drop in these levels. Andropause is a hormone imbalance due to the lack or absence of testosterone which is the male hormone. By age 55, the amount of testosterone secreted by the Testis is significantly lower than it was at the age of 40 years.
There exists a relationship between the Testis, testosterone, the Brain and the Pituitary glands in the male body. These must be kept in balance!
Andropause is a simple endocrine imbalance that can be easily corrected today. Testosterone (from the Testis); Human Growth Hormone (from the Pituitary); and DHEA (from the Adrenal glands) start to drop steadily with age but during the last couple of decades this steady drop in hormone production has been accelerated due to estrogens in our environment. Remember too much estrogen will lower the testosterone levels. Because of the high levels of synthetic estrogen in our environment and food it is recommended that men start with a good detoxification program which will help remove the excess estrogen.
Until next time,
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